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Man Cry’s Out As His Calf Goes Missing, says it took him 6 years to breed


A man identified on Twitter as Awwal Tukur has cried out over his missing calf, saying that it was among the 18 animals he could no longer find in his farm. In putting out a missing notice on Twitter on Thursday, October 29, he called the name of the baby cow Beauty. He added that its breading took him six years of hard work.

To show that the animal is of a rare kind, Tukur said that the animal is an "F2 cross with 75% Holstein blood". The farmer said that there will really expectant for the day the cow will begin producing milk.

Tukur said that the missing calf has Holstein blood. Photo source: Twitter/Awwal Tukur Source: Twitter The man lamented that what happened to him was one of the horrible consequences of the unrest that happened nationwide in recent days. See his post below:

See his post below

Below are some of the reactions his post got: @MuazuSuleimanA1 said: "Its terrible and she does not deserved this and someone out there is justifying the lootings and destructions just because it does not happened to him/her or her relatives. Its Sad and i wished you recover her very soon." @karka_lawrence said:

"I would love to replicate this rare genetic feat for a beautiful calf as this Tukur... Show me the way boss!" @senatorbash said:

"I emphasize with you Sir on the unprovoked attack on your farm by hoodlums. My prayer is that May Almighty Allah restore your loss in hundred folds. Amin." @kola_rasheed said:

"Sorry about that sir, God will touch the heart of the person who took the animal for her ( BEAUTY) return 

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