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'It Ain’t Over Till Every Vote Is Counted’: Biden Says He’s ‘On Track’ To Win, Rejects Trump’s Victory Declaration

Former Vice President Joe Biden predicted victory on Wednesday morning but stopped short of declaring it with many outstanding votes in critical swing states still to count, noting that it’s not his or President Donald Trump’s place to do so.
Democratic presidential candidate former Vice[+]President Joe Biden speaks to supporters early Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2020, in Wilmington, Del., accompanied by his wife Jill Biden. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) ASSOCIATED PRESS

“We knew this was gonna go long, but who knew we were gonna go into tomorrow morning maybe even longer,” Biden told supporters in Wilmington, Del., adding that “we feel good about where we are.”

Biden said he believes he’s “on track to win this election,” adding that “we knew because of the unprecedented early vote and mail-in vote that it was going to take a while,” and urging people to “be patient.”

Biden leads Trump in the electoral college vote 223 to 174 (270 is needed to win), but many votes remain uncounted in potentially pivotal swing states including Arizona, where Biden leads, and Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia, where Trump currently leads.

Despite losing Florida and Iowa, but winning Minnesota, Biden said he’s “confident” about Arizona and “still in the game” in Georgia, adding that he’s “feeling real good” about Wisconsin and Michigan.

“By the way, it’s gonna take time to count the votes, we’re gonna win Pennsylvania,” Biden said in his most confident declaration of the night.


“We can know the results as early as tomorrow morning, but it may take a little longer. As I’ve said all along, it’s my place or Donald Trump’s place to declare who’s won this election, that’s the decision of the American people,” Biden said, adding that he’s “optimistic about this outcome.”


During Biden’s remarks, Trump baselessly alleging in a censored tweet that “they are trying to STEAL this Election” and that “votes will be cast before the Polls are closed,” initially misspelling “polls” as “poles” in a now-deleted tweet. Trump also incorrectly declared victory, tweeting “A big WIN!” despite the many uncounted votes and uncalled races that will determine the electoral collerge outcome.


Absentee ballots, which will likely lean Democratic and cut into Trump’s margins will continue to be counted in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania in the days following the election.


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